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This Game reminds me of the nun. love it!

I would love to see more of this with a more serious tone. We don't have enough cute HORROR. Can be quite funny at times as well as spooky. Well done !

I made a video on your game if you're interested :)

Loved it, 10/10, Umi is just like me frfr


I skipped all the dialogue and found myself alone in a horror game with no idea what I was doing.


I originally found this game on Steam, but saw it was on here too.. game is cute, but creepyyyy.. the writing is hilarious too.  nicely done


I really love the cute style of this game, and I especially love the Resident Evil and Silent Hill inspirations!! I love that old PS1 vibe that I get from it! I would love to see this game expanded upon because the backstory was interesting!


Cool atmosphere.


Hey guys!

come checkout my newest video on this game!

had such a great time with it!!


Very unique little game, I love the mix of a cute style and a horror setting, it's always fun to see how different developers mix those two styles. I will say though that there is a tiny bug in the locked wardrobe, basically after interacting with it the first time, you can keep interacting with it and technically getting an infinite amount of crosses. It doesn't actually impact the amount of crosses needed but I thought I'd mention it. Anyways, I loved it and I particularly love how unbothered Umi seems through it all haha. The game starts at 23:31 on my video and the wardrobe glitch is a bit after 28:46


Jugué la versión de Steam pero igualmente dejo esto aquí porque me gustó el juego y me hizo gracia el diseño de los personajes. 

Crug enjoyed


This game is really cute and weird, I would love to see more! 10/10


The game was good! and the characters are cute but the story is very strange and mysterious

I didn't know what to expect from an Animal Cross looking game, but I honestly loved it.  The sense of humor 10/10


El Silent Hill de los furros! 😂

Gracias creador!

Rental / Buixu


renting a cursed house

The camera angles get a bit wacky at points, but mad respect for the smooth transitions between rooms. It looked awesome! I definitely did a lot of wandering to figure things out, but the game was pretty enjoyable for what it is.

I played the Jam version of this game and it was alright. Kind dislike having to go around the house looking for the items, but this game is still good. 4.5/5


Saw you guys updated the game so I decided to come back and see what was new!


Is it free


I just finished a playing the version of this game and let me say it's charming and very nostalgic. Throught the game I did run into small bugs like unlimited crosses and question marks not appearing for certain items. 

But the music, character dialog, and art style is what makes this game tick!

I enjoyed it a ton and hope to see more from them.


Kinda sucks that you can't pull up a menu or something to check what items you still need to find because I forgot what the guy said within 10 seconds and forgot what items I was supposed to be looking for

great game I enjoyed it more than I thought I would


Es un juego corto, pero con mucho suspenso, me gusta la idea de el, y me recuerda un poco a animal crossing

the mirror maze had me lost lol

A very short and lovely game. Played the Steam version which seems to actually be a bit different from the Itch version.


honestly not a bad game all around. i do wish there were more scares but i do understand theres a limit with how short the game is

Hey, good game, pal. Listen, I played this one first. I liked so I got free version on Steam. Yes, here will be one of steam version. Thanks to share here and Steam.




I Like It, Good Game!


This was a lot of fun! Really enjoyed this! Loved the visuals, the story, the vibe! It was great, good job!


i found the labyrinth part to be a very interesting cool feature. For some reason i wasnt able to talk to the entire family. 


Only question is what was the fate of the dental rental man

I LOVE IT! Love the animal crossing inspired style and the scary elements along with it! Game was cute and unsettling :D!

short but quiet funny

Rental can only he described as a mixture between Animal Crossing and Silent Hill. Although this sounds weird, it works perfectly well. The ominous vibes of a horror game blended together with the cuteness of an anthropomorphic character will make you crave for more. Original, short and free. No reason to not give it a try.

If you want to check how it runs on Steam Deck just press the link below:


Its A Short But Fun Horror Game!

This game was the perfect combination of cute with a creepy atmosphere! I recently played it on my channel! 

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